Thursday, December 27, 2012

#1 - As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner

I started my 2013 goal a little early.  I'm blogging my first book review of my 100 books goal :)  I don't care that it's a few days early...I'm reading 100 books, give me some slack.  So, here it goes...

I've read a lot of reviews on this book.  They basically state that Faulkner is not an easy read and this book is difficult to understand.  I went into the book with this in mind.   Faulkner is not the easiest to read and parts of this book were difficult to understand.

One of my reading pet peeves is an author writing as someone would speak.  Example: ere = even, outen = out and, hisn = his and.  I understand it's for effect, but it bothers me and my interpretations may not even be right.  This book has A LOT of that.  They are simple country folk, and Faulkner makes them sound like the simplest of the simplest.

The book is broken out into chapters narrated by the main characters.  The premise is the mother of a country family has passed on.  The father has promised that she would be buried with her kin in a city a few miles away.  The mother was placed in a homemade casket of pine and put onto the back of a mule-pulled wagon.  For over 9 days the family struggled to get the deceased to the city.


A fun-filled adventure did not ensue.  It was a trying time for all involved.  There was flooding, injury, madness, arson, selfishness and female troubles.  The best chapter of the entire book came from the deceased's point of view.  It made, at least to me, the rest of the book ironic. And perhaps that was what Faulkner was trying to do.  Or maybe not.  I'm still trying to interpret the most famous line from this book "My mother is a fish."

In full disclosure, I read this book because it's always on the "must-read-before-you-die" list.  I feel like people who say this is their favorite book is either pretentious or a PhD in Literature.  No one can love this book.  I did find myself shaking my head at the last line.  Apparently Faulkner had the last line in mind when he wrote the book.  It was effective.

So, should you read it?  Sure, it's Faulkner!  Are you going to love it?  I doubt it.  But hey, you can say with pride "I read As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner."  Now please tell me what "My mother is a fish" means...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Wonder by RJ Palacio (aka, my first review)

January 1, 2013 I officially start my goal of reading 100 books in one year.  I’ve been gearing up for the event by creating my list and trying to come up with a strategy for reading so many books!  My list is tentative, as I know new books will be published that I’ll be dying to read.  I have some ‘empty’ spots as well for book club picks.  In doing some research about ‘must read books’, I came across a 2012 release titled Wonder by R.J. Palacio.

As an adult in her mid 30s, I rarely - if ever - read juvenile fiction.  With the exception of Harry Potter, the last time I read a children’s book was when I was actually a child.  Even Young Adult books have a hard time grasping my full attention.  But this book was different.

This book had me hooked from the very first page.  August Pullman was born with severe facial abnormalities.  As Auggie puts it, “whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.”  He’s of middle school age and has always been homeschooled.  With a medical condition that warrented multiple surgeries in early childhood, it made sense.  However, mom has taught him as much as she could.  It’s time to go to school.  A real school.

Imagine middle school as the new kid.  Terrifying, right?  Imagine middle school as the new kid with an abnormality.   The cruelty of children can be astounding, but so can their kindness.  This is why the book resonates so deeply with me.  I wasn’t different and I wasn’t teased.  But I witnessed it happen on many occasions and my heart ached for them.  I’m a sensitive artist type, my heart breaks for a lot of reasons.  But with everything going on these days from shootings to bullying, this type of book is must read material.  Empathy.

This book has several narrators and they each bring their own different perspectives.  Auggie: a child wise beyond his years.  Via: Auggie’s older sister who starts her own life anew as a high school freshman. Jack: a young man who befriends August, but not without some bumps in the road.  Summer: a free spirit who befriends Auggie and doesn’t want to grow up too fast.   Justin: Via’s first high school boyfriend, who is a natural talent, and a very caring young man.  Miranda:  Via’s ex-best friend whose secret is both embarrassing and crushingly honest.

You follow these main characters through a very challenging time in their lives.  At these vulnerable ages, you’re still trying to define yourself.  Figure out who your real friends are.  Make new friends.  Balance new friends and old friends who may not get along.  On top of that, you may have to hear insults like “nerd”, “ugly”, “different”, “fat”, “insert label here”, etc.  Perhaps there is a support system at home.  Perhaps there is not.  These characters all have their own inner struggles.  Hearing these struggles  from their perspective makes this book stand out.  You understand exactly where they are coming from; because let’s face it, we’ve all been there before.  You laugh when they laugh.  You cry when they cry.  

This book truly is a wonder.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Looking towards 2013

Wow, well, it' been awhile.  I last posted in July and a lot has happened since that time.  I graduated in August with my MLS.  I left my insurance job.  I now work part time in two different libraries (one is rural; one is suburban).  I also volunteer at the city library.  A full-time position has opened up at one of these libraries, and I put my name in the hat.  I'm waiting to hear about an interview.  Anyway, so that's an abbreviate update.

This blog was meant to get me back on the horse.  I know I've slacked big time on updating my blog. A current and consistent blog is something I should have, especially as an aspiring librarian.  And now, I'm setting my sights on 2013.  For the remainder of 2012, I'm going to blog once a week.   This is just to get me into the habit.  In 2013, I'm not going to do anything crazy like blog everyday.  No.  That would be boring.  I have given myself a goal to read 100 books in 2013.


Well, I'm going to try.  The goal is 100 books, but it doesn't specify what kind.  Children's, YA, Adult, mystery, comedy, bio....everything and anything.  And I'm going to blog my progress, my reviews, and my thoughts.  Hopefully I'll say something profound in one of these blogs.  I need followers...

So, there you have it.  My personal goal, out on the interwebs, for the whole world to see.  I will try not to let anyone down.  Including myself.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


As everyone knows, yesterday was the Fourth of July.  I woke up on the early side and did what I haven't been able to do in almost a year...  read a book, for pleasure, for over two hours.  SIGH....  It felt so amazing to just lounge on the chaise and read, read, read.  I missed it.  I wanted to cry.  In fact, I did have a few tears in my eyes.  

I haven't been able to concentrate on a book since I started down my library science path.  I've been reading the same Neil Gaiman book for about a year (American Gods, if you're interested).  I'm looking forward to having some free time.  I'm looking forward to reading.  I'm seriously interested in finding new authors.  I have a habit of finding a book I love and reading everything by that author in succession.   

If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to them.  In five weeks, I'll have all the time in the world :)  I also would love to follow some reputable blogs that review books.  Again, suggestions are welcome. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

I'm Gearing Up

It's late here in PA, at least late for me, and I've been gearing up for my media blitz.  In less than 7 weeks I will graduate with my MLS degree from Clarion University.  I am determined to find a job.

I hope with perseverance and a positive attitude I can land a job in my field.  I've been studying up on how to make my resume and cover letter sexy.  I've found some great ideas.  But incorporating those ideas into my resume takes time and unfortunately I count each minute I have.  I'm making time this weekend, though.  If I don't make the time, my dream job won't come true.

As I said, I'm gearing up for my full on media blitz.  I started with Twitter.  If you're interested it's ortenzio77.    I followed fellow librarians and many libraries, museums, archivists, and associations.  I need to keep up-to-date on what's going on in the information science world and network, network, network.  My next adventure is to beef up my Linked-In account.

You'll be seeing a lot more of me in the future; like it or not :)   This librarian is here to stay!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Waiting

Is is the hardest part.  Tom Petty got this right.

I'm waiting for three things: 1. My final grades to be posted; 2. Vacation to start, and; 3. FOR IT TO STOP RAINING!  I usually love the rain, it makes Pennsylvania very green and luscious, but it has been too much.  I fall asleep to rain on the roof... and I wake up to rain on the roof.  It's gray, it's dull, and I loathe driving 50 minutes in it.  Because around here, people drive like assholes when it rains.

Back to the waiting.

I'll find out my final grades on Thursday, but I think my 4.0 has been compromised.  My cataloging class ended with a 88.  Unless my prof decides to bump me to 89.5, my perfect record is gone.  But oh well, 3.8 overall ain't bad either.

Vacation starts Saturday and I cannot wait.  Hopefully I'll have some funny and amusing stories to tell.  I haven't really spent a lot of time on here writing about my days.  It's mostly about obtaining my goal, which I guess right now is my days.


The only fun and interesting thing I can say right now is that a friend and I have been throwing out ideas for a book.  We plan on writing it together, a collaborative effort - that was a obvious statement, and I'm keeping it here to punish myself for saying something so duh.   But we have some great ideas right now and we just need to get pen to paper....or keystrokes to virtual paper, really.

well, i'm running out of time.  off to work...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Finals Week

Just a boring ol' post for me this morning...

Today marks the start of finals week.  I have two papers due and one final.  Surprisingly, I'm not freaking out.  At least not yet.

This semester was probably the most challenging, but also the most informative.  I had no 'Intro to' classes, so everything was more in depth.  I also had more projects and papers.  Cataloging is challenging.  That I learned the hard way.

I finish this week up and can relax for 5 weeks, then onto my summer courses.  Once August 9th rolls around, I can call myself a librarian.  In theory I guess, since I don't have a librarian position yet.  However, I'm working furiously to rectify that!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's Going to be All About the Networking.

It's been awhile.  I'm in the midst of finals for the Spring Semester.  I'm so close to finishing my degree I can taste it...well not really, as it doesn't have an actual taste, but you know where I'm going with this. I actually finish in August; August 9th to be exact.  I have two 5-week summer courses, and then my Master's Degree is obtained.

It's bittersweet.  I've worked my behind off for over a year and a half, and it ends very anti-climatically.  I get a piece of paper in the mail.  At least I can have a sense of superiority over those who don't have a Master's Degree.... kidding, just kidding.....kinda.

The job market is touch right now.  I'm desperately searching a position remotely in my new field.  Most public libraries aren't hiring, with perhaps the exception of part time.  Colleges require tons of experience. I've been in the working world since I was 18.  I have experience.  Tons of it, actually.  Just no fundamental library experience.  So the game has begun.

I keep thinking to myself 'What am I going to do with myself once I have all this free time?'  Loftily I'd think, 'I'll relearn the piano.  I'll knit that sweater I wanted.  I'll start painting again.  Perhaps I'll learn the bass like I always wanted.  I'll write.'  In reality, those are all great options.  However, they aren't helping me towards my goal of achieving librarianship.  My free time will be spent networking.

Networking.  Networking.  Networking.  I need to volunteer at the local public libraries. I need to see about interning / volunteering at the local Historical Society.  I need to meet people in the know, and get my name and face out there.  I just moved to the area, so networking is twofold for me.  I need the experience, and I WANT to meet people. I want to have friends to meet up with for dinner and a drink after work.

Let the networking begin!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's About That Time...

So, all of a sudden, I'm busy.  And this is good.  Very good.  The past few weeks I've felt a little out of sorts.  I'm used to being on the go constantly.  It keeps me out of trouble, and quite frankly, keeps me focused.

My boyfriend and I decided to move.  His travel time to work is crazy and it's starting to grate on him.  And I totally understand that.  So yesterday we took the entire day to drive around looking at places.  We found a wonderful little townhouse that will suite our needs perfectly.  Now we must move....again.  I hate moving.  the only redeeming quality about moving is the purging.  I like purging.

on top of this, school starts next week.  and we're going to California to visit my BFF that just got married.

hectic.  love it...  breathe, just keeping breathing.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Free Flow of Thoughts

Ever since I started this blog I've had this draw to continue writing.  Maybe it's just new blogger syndrome, but writing random things down seems to be cathartic to me.  As a child, I used to write all the time.  I had notebooks full of poetry and short stories.  It helped me deal with the fact I wasn't friends with who I wanted to be friends with.  Cue the violins....

I've never given up on the dream to have a story published.  My aunt is a published author.  She has big plans for this New Year, and maybe that's what prompted me to think about writing again.  I'm not a strong writer, but I feel I have a nice flow to my work.  My writing aspirations have always revolved around something for young adults.  Maybe this new year a goal for me can be to come up with an idea and plot an outline.   GREAT IDEA!  And this is where it is most likely idea.  I have a busy year ahead; well, at least a very busy 6 months until I graduate.  I must keep this goal on the radar.

Until my 'Twilight' hits the bookshelves,  I will continue writing my free flow of thoughts on this blog.

Love and Peace,
The Aspiring Librarian (and novelist)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Here's to Another Year.

I can't complain.  2011 was a pretty great year, funerals aside.  My journey to librarianship started in 2011 and will end in 2012.  I'm looking forward to the day I can call myself a librarian and get working inside a library.  The gray cubicle walls of my current employer is starting to drive me rather mad.

I was having a discussion with a friend about how I always get overwhelmed at the end of the year.  I think of all the goals of the year that weren't accomplished, and then I immediately start putting together the list of next year's goals that WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED!  But inevitably, they won't be accomplished. The circle of my life goals.

The only realistic goal I have this year is to graduate.... and perhaps flossing my teeth everyday.  I will do this.  I will graduate.  I will be proud of my accomplishment and bask in the glory of a degree.  All my other goals can wait until next year.  They always do.

So, here's to another year.  Another year of many goals not obtained, and the only goal that matters achieved.  Cheers!