Monday, January 7, 2013

#2 Gun Fight by Adam Winkler

A few days ago I started writing my post on the book Gun Fight by Adam Winkler.  I was about 100 pages into the book and my post had a lot of snarky remarks about guns and what is the need?  My views on handguns and weapons haven’t changed, I still dislike them.  However, my view on ownership and gun control has changed.

Winkler tries hard to be neutral and I believe he succeeds.  He drops the hammer on both ‘gun nuts’ and ‘gun grabbers’.  We are both to blame; rather, the extremists are both to blame.  The book explains that by going to extremes “NO GUNS” or “MORE GUNS” we are creating a society that is polarized.  I don’t like guns, they aren’t for me, but I believe that people have a right to bear arms for hunting and personal safety.  When I use the term gun control, I mean I want semi-automatic military grade weaponry banned from individual ownership.  I want machine guns banned from individual ownership.  You can’t use those weapons hunting, and a handgun or rifle would still thwart a criminal from harming you and your family.  Guns made for quick rapid fire shooting is not necessary in a home - my humble opinion.

So what about my opinion changed?  Well, I was once the gun grabber.  I wanted ‘to be like England and ban guns outright.’  You can have a rifle for hunting...otherwise why do you need a gun?  Well, I was idealistic.  In my heart of hearts I want everyone to be fair to each other.  I detest seeing violence.  Guns are ingrained in America, and unfortunately, so is violence.

I understand the want for a handgun for home protection.  You want to protect your assets, your family, and yourself.  That is what the whole book centers around.  The DC gun case that lead the Supreme Court, in 2008, to decided that the Second Amendment does allow for individuals right to bear arms.  Adam Gura found a few plaintiffs that showed a hardship due to DC’s strict no handgun law.  

The book goes back and forth between the Supreme Court case and the history of the gun in the US.  At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to follow the jumps, but the history helps understand the case.  For example, in the trial there is talk about how our frontiersman (cowboys) needed their guns to fight outlaws and animals.  But in reality, the west wasn’t as wild as Hollywood makes it out to be.  There is well documented cases of frontier towns having strict gun control.  Very strict gun control.  

I don’t want to give too much away, but gun control laws were passed for various reasons.  Winkler breaks down the reasons many of these laws passed.  Racism, Gangsters, and Assassinations are just a few of the reasons.  Whatever the reasons are, people always feel the that the government did ‘too much’ or ‘not enough’.  Again, the polarization of America.

After the Sandy Hook tragedy, I decided I wanted to learn more about the Second Amendment.  What I learned was that the Second Amendment is interpreted many different ways by many different people.  There is no document that states exactly what the framers had in mind when they created the Bill of Rights.  After reading this book, my views may not have changed much...but they have changed.