Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Waiting

Is is the hardest part.  Tom Petty got this right.

I'm waiting for three things: 1. My final grades to be posted; 2. Vacation to start, and; 3. FOR IT TO STOP RAINING!  I usually love the rain, it makes Pennsylvania very green and luscious, but it has been too much.  I fall asleep to rain on the roof... and I wake up to rain on the roof.  It's gray, it's dull, and I loathe driving 50 minutes in it.  Because around here, people drive like assholes when it rains.

Back to the waiting.

I'll find out my final grades on Thursday, but I think my 4.0 has been compromised.  My cataloging class ended with a 88.  Unless my prof decides to bump me to 89.5, my perfect record is gone.  But oh well, 3.8 overall ain't bad either.

Vacation starts Saturday and I cannot wait.  Hopefully I'll have some funny and amusing stories to tell.  I haven't really spent a lot of time on here writing about my days.  It's mostly about obtaining my goal, which I guess right now is my days.


The only fun and interesting thing I can say right now is that a friend and I have been throwing out ideas for a book.  We plan on writing it together, a collaborative effort - that was a obvious statement, and I'm keeping it here to punish myself for saying something so duh.   But we have some great ideas right now and we just need to get pen to paper....or keystrokes to virtual paper, really.

well, i'm running out of time.  off to work...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Finals Week

Just a boring ol' post for me this morning...

Today marks the start of finals week.  I have two papers due and one final.  Surprisingly, I'm not freaking out.  At least not yet.

This semester was probably the most challenging, but also the most informative.  I had no 'Intro to' classes, so everything was more in depth.  I also had more projects and papers.  Cataloging is challenging.  That I learned the hard way.

I finish this week up and can relax for 5 weeks, then onto my summer courses.  Once August 9th rolls around, I can call myself a librarian.  In theory I guess, since I don't have a librarian position yet.  However, I'm working furiously to rectify that!