Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's About That Time...

So, all of a sudden, I'm busy.  And this is good.  Very good.  The past few weeks I've felt a little out of sorts.  I'm used to being on the go constantly.  It keeps me out of trouble, and quite frankly, keeps me focused.

My boyfriend and I decided to move.  His travel time to work is crazy and it's starting to grate on him.  And I totally understand that.  So yesterday we took the entire day to drive around looking at places.  We found a wonderful little townhouse that will suite our needs perfectly.  Now we must move....again.  I hate moving.  the only redeeming quality about moving is the purging.  I like purging.

on top of this, school starts next week.  and we're going to California to visit my BFF that just got married.

hectic.  love it...  breathe, just keeping breathing.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Free Flow of Thoughts

Ever since I started this blog I've had this draw to continue writing.  Maybe it's just new blogger syndrome, but writing random things down seems to be cathartic to me.  As a child, I used to write all the time.  I had notebooks full of poetry and short stories.  It helped me deal with the fact I wasn't friends with who I wanted to be friends with.  Cue the violins....

I've never given up on the dream to have a story published.  My aunt is a published author.  She has big plans for this New Year, and maybe that's what prompted me to think about writing again.  I'm not a strong writer, but I feel I have a nice flow to my work.  My writing aspirations have always revolved around something for young adults.  Maybe this new year a goal for me can be to come up with an idea and plot an outline.   GREAT IDEA!  And this is where it is most likely idea.  I have a busy year ahead; well, at least a very busy 6 months until I graduate.  I must keep this goal on the radar.

Until my 'Twilight' hits the bookshelves,  I will continue writing my free flow of thoughts on this blog.

Love and Peace,
The Aspiring Librarian (and novelist)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Here's to Another Year.

I can't complain.  2011 was a pretty great year, funerals aside.  My journey to librarianship started in 2011 and will end in 2012.  I'm looking forward to the day I can call myself a librarian and get working inside a library.  The gray cubicle walls of my current employer is starting to drive me rather mad.

I was having a discussion with a friend about how I always get overwhelmed at the end of the year.  I think of all the goals of the year that weren't accomplished, and then I immediately start putting together the list of next year's goals that WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED!  But inevitably, they won't be accomplished. The circle of my life goals.

The only realistic goal I have this year is to graduate.... and perhaps flossing my teeth everyday.  I will do this.  I will graduate.  I will be proud of my accomplishment and bask in the glory of a degree.  All my other goals can wait until next year.  They always do.

So, here's to another year.  Another year of many goals not obtained, and the only goal that matters achieved.  Cheers!