Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's Going to be All About the Networking.

It's been awhile.  I'm in the midst of finals for the Spring Semester.  I'm so close to finishing my degree I can taste it...well not really, as it doesn't have an actual taste, but you know where I'm going with this. I actually finish in August; August 9th to be exact.  I have two 5-week summer courses, and then my Master's Degree is obtained.

It's bittersweet.  I've worked my behind off for over a year and a half, and it ends very anti-climatically.  I get a piece of paper in the mail.  At least I can have a sense of superiority over those who don't have a Master's Degree.... kidding, just kidding.....kinda.

The job market is touch right now.  I'm desperately searching a position remotely in my new field.  Most public libraries aren't hiring, with perhaps the exception of part time.  Colleges require tons of experience. I've been in the working world since I was 18.  I have experience.  Tons of it, actually.  Just no fundamental library experience.  So the game has begun.

I keep thinking to myself 'What am I going to do with myself once I have all this free time?'  Loftily I'd think, 'I'll relearn the piano.  I'll knit that sweater I wanted.  I'll start painting again.  Perhaps I'll learn the bass like I always wanted.  I'll write.'  In reality, those are all great options.  However, they aren't helping me towards my goal of achieving librarianship.  My free time will be spent networking.

Networking.  Networking.  Networking.  I need to volunteer at the local public libraries. I need to see about interning / volunteering at the local Historical Society.  I need to meet people in the know, and get my name and face out there.  I just moved to the area, so networking is twofold for me.  I need the experience, and I WANT to meet people. I want to have friends to meet up with for dinner and a drink after work.

Let the networking begin!